Kingair Cockpit
„Königlicher“ Millionenauftrag für südsteirische Lufthoheit
7. June 2024
AXIS qualifies AXIS IRIS avionics rehost and upgrades visual system
27. June 2024
Kingair Cockpit
„Königlicher“ Millionenauftrag für südsteirische Lufthoheit
7. June 2024
AXIS qualifies AXIS IRIS avionics rehost and upgrades visual system
27. June 2024

12. June 2024

Celebrating 20 Years of Innovation at AXIS Flight Simulation


2024 marks 20 years since the establishment of AXIS Flight Simulation. As we commemorate our 20th birthday, we look back with pride at the incredible journey we've undertaken. From our humble beginnings, to becoming a leader in flight simulation technology, our story is one of relentless dedication and innovation.

A Journey Led by Vision and Passion

Our journey began with the bold vision of our founder, Martin Rossmann, whose commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible set the stage for our future success. Brainstorming sessions were filled with excitement and uncertainty, and each mistake was an invaluable lesson that shaped our path forward.

Martin was not alone in this endeavour. From day one, he was supported by a dedicated team who shared his vision and passion. Integral team members Helmut Haslberger, Harald Schneider, Gerhard Brunner, and Peter Edlinger have been with us through every twist and turn, their contributions forming the backbone of our endeavour.

Milestones and Achievements: A Timeline of Success

Creating our inaugural full flight simulator (FFS) for the Fokker aircraft was one of the defining moments in our company’s history. Unlike many competitors who followed traditional trajectories or started with lower-level devices, we dared to leap from zero to a fully certified Level D simulator. This audacious move, driven by Martin’s fearless leadership, set us apart and established AXIS Flight Simulation as a pioneer in the industry.

Following this initial success, we continued to break new ground. Our ATR simulator became our core product, laying a solid foundation for our subsequent ventures. Embracing a strategic shift, we expanded into the business jet market with Cessna, demonstrating our adaptability and ambition to innovate across different areas of the sector.

In 2017, a new chapter began with the arrival of Christian Theuermann, who joined as our chief financial and commercial officer. Under his leadership, we scaled our operations significantly, increasing our production capacity to two to three simulators per year and growing our team by more than 100 dedicated professionals.

The establishment of Aeroset in 2023 further foregrounded our commitment to innovation. This strategic move allowed us to conduct our own flight testing and gather critical data. Our comprehensive approach has enabled us to provide clients with top-tier, ground-up solutions that are innovative and reliable.

Our ability to provide best-in-class solutions has been recognised globally. We recently qualified the first Level D Bombardier Challenger CL650 FFS, delivered to Rega Swiss Air Rescue at Lufthansa Aviation Training (LAT). We’ve also been selected by the National Institute for Aerospace Research (INCAS) to supply one Beechcraft King Air C90GTx Level D FFS, due to be delivered to its research facility in Strejnicu, Romania. 

The launch of our revolutionary AX-D Flex, the world’s first front-loading roll-on/roll-off system, is also pioneering a new standard of flight training flexibility and efficiency.

Lessons Learned: Reflections on Two Decades of Growth

As we celebrate two decades of AXIS Flight Simulation, we reflect on the key lessons learnt over the past 20 years:

  1. Stay Curious: Embrace challenges with curiosity and an openness to new ideas. This mindset fuels innovation and keeps our imagination alive.
  2. Foster Innovation: Encourage a culture of experimentation and creativity. By giving space for unconventional ideas, we drive continuous improvement and groundbreaking advancements.
  3. Cultivate Passion: Surround yourself with passionate individuals who share your vision. Their enthusiasm and energy are crucial for maintaining momentum and achieving goals.
  4. Reflect and Celebrate: Acknowledge achievements and celebrate milestones. Each success, no matter how small, is a step forward in our journey.
  5. Embrace Change: Adaptability is essential in a dynamic business landscape. Embrace change as an opportunity for growth and continuous evolution.
  6. Don’t Fear Mistakes: Mistakes are inevitable but invaluable for growth. Learn from them and keep pushing boundaries.

Celebrating Our Legacy

Last week, the AXIS Flight Simulation team came together to celebrate our 20th birthday with a memorable party. On this day, we were proud to accept the Styrian Provincial Coat of Arms from the Governor of Styria, Christopher Drexler, in honour of our dedication to innovation.

Joined also by our main customer Aviation Academy Austria, it was a time to commemorate our impressive achievements, appreciate our dedicated team, and look to the future with excitement and optimism.

As we move into the next decade, we remain committed to driving innovation, fostering a passionate and creative work environment, and continuing to set new standards in flight simulation technology. Here's to 20 years of remarkable achievements, and the exciting announcements yet to come!